Libby Trickett: prideWhat does it feel like to represent Australia?
Libby Trickett: attitudeWhy is determination and a positive attitude important for elite athletes?
Libby Trickett: individual responsibilityWhy is individual responsibility important for being a member of the Australian Olympic Team?
Libby Trickett: express yourselfWhy is self expression important for elite athletes?
Libby Trickett: sportsmanshipHow do you use sportsmanship to overcome challenging situations?
Libby Trickett: individual responsibilityHow does individual responsibility relate to being a role model for young Australians?
Libby Trickett: sportsmanship Why is sportsmanship important for elite athletes?
Libby Trickett: respectWhat are some of the ways you show respect in life?
Libby Trickett: prideDoes pride ever become its own challenge? How might you overcome situations?
Libby Trickett: attitudeWhen has a positive attitude helped you achieve a goal?
Libby Trickett: prideWhy is pride important for elite athletes?
Libby Trickett: express yourselfHow can self expression help to overcome challenging situations?